Healing, It Runs in the Family


Just as hereditary traits and genes get passed down to us, so do ancestral patterns. These can manifest in our reality in different ways that continually affect us, whether we are aware of them or not. Our ancestors pass down their love, traumas, and their way of understanding the world. Those who had lived before us and allowed us to be here and now play a significant role in how we navigate our lives.

You may have heard “it runs in the family” or about healing 7 generations back to heal 7 generations forward. When you seek to heal yourself, you’re healing those in your lineage and those yet to come. We are here to break the ancestral cycles of our families while creating new ways to walk and withhold our legacy. Just as we receive many beautiful things from our family that supports us and drive us forward, there are many we must rid ourselves of through love. It is not our responsibility to carry the weight of their bad habits, traumas, or outdated ways but to transmute it.

When we address our ancestors, it is vital to remember that they did the best they could in their circumstances and still deserve reverence. The voyage of healing ourselves is already a testament to the power they give us to be able to do this work. We no longer hold on to what does not serve our highest good and most tremendous potential.

Things that get passed down are deeply related to relationships, self-worth, and financial stability. For instance, if you were raised by a history of single mothers, your mom, your grandmother, and your great-grandmother, this is a cycle that could be affecting you. Which may call for you to work on your relationship with the masculine. This could mean addressing your relationship with your father, partners, and the masculine qualities inside yourself that we all carry. Maybe you have difficulty bringing financial abundance into your life because ancestral poverty has been passed down. This could be not understanding how to save, budget, or even ask for the price you deserve in your career because you don’t feel worthy. Now is the time to start addressing these cycles. It doesn’t matter if it’s addictive behaviors, fear-based projections, or issues with self-image. We can look at our society now and notice many ancestral patterns passed down through cultures regarding patriarchy, gender, and race.

There are many ways to address releasing family cycles that don’t serve us, but they all require that we show up. This journey is a continual practice and requires a willingness to strive to be better not just for ourselves and our mental wellness but also for future children. Knowing that you are a cycle breaker is an honor. Realize you have the strength to make the changes for yourself. Some of us may have a deep relationship with our ancestors, while others may be seeking a way to connect. As long as you start the journey, you will reap the reward. Now, this path is not for the faint-hearted. Embarking on healing these cycles to release and transmute them brings a lot of things to the surface. Understanding your shadow can also help when doing this work. If you need guidance on shadow work, read this article I wrote. Honor that this process takes time and respect when you need to rest or take a step back from it. You control the pace, and there is no rush.

Here are a few tips to start down this path.

  1. Who are your ancestors? Where do they come from? First, we need to remember our ancestors. Ask your family questions about your family history, do some research, or try an ancestry test. Look into the culture, healing modalities, struggles, and stories. As you learn more, the knowledge will begin to bridge the gaps between you and your family tree.

  2. Though some of your ancestors are full of love, not all of them should be invited to sit with you. Only calling on your ancestors in the light is a great place to start when meeting your lineage. Working with crystals, your spirit guides and intention will also support you.

  3. Create an ancestral altar. This has been a powerful tool in my own life and continues to bless me. Set your intention to connect with your ancestors in the light and heal the family cycles. If it feels in resonance with you, ask for this to be done through gentleness, grace, and love. If you want, you can put a picture or item of family members that have passed. You may feel called to write a letter to leave on the altar. However, you decide to make your altar do it with gratitude. Lighting a candle that you offer to your ancestors and leaving a cup of water are healing gestures that go a long way.

  4. Listening. When you start to communicate with ancestors, they are just as excited to speak to you and help as you are to share. While sitting with your altar, you may receive messages or find opportunities in your life to begin to appear. If we don’t ask for help, we can’t accept it. Ask them for help, offering their favorite food, water, or flowers. Meditate with the intention to connect with them. Let them also help you while you continue their legacy.

  5. It’s a relationship. Working with your ancestors is building a relationship. The more you take the time to check in with them, the closer you will feel to them. Love them, appreciate them, and know this healing opportunity is beneficial for you all. You are the gift they prayed for before you were thought of.

“I am my ancestors’ wildest dream.” Remember this as you continue forward on your healing journey. You were brought to this planet now in a time that is revealing many uncertainties. Your soul chose to journey here and share your light. Be proud of yourself, be grateful for those who allow you to be here, and pay it forward for those coming. If you need more guidance, seek out those who have experience in this work, including myself. The fruits of your labor will always give nourishment.

Written by:

Le’ Jai’ La Troi

Le’ Jai’ La Troi
is a medicine woman who works with sacred plants and modalities to help others come back into alignment with their truth. She is a reiki master and herbalist who channels the Akashic Records. Le’ Jai’ La has a passion for sharing her knowledge teaching and writing wellness articles. She integrates her understanding of various indigenous and traditional healing practices to empower individuals to discover themselves and their mission. Le’ Jai’ La is the founder of Akashic Remedies a holistic apothecary that enriches the lives of others through coaching, consulting, healing modalities, ceremonies, teaching experiences and herbal products.