Our Editor's Pick of Essentials to Biohacking Your Way Through Autumn and Winter

Have you ever heard of Biohacking? It's a hot topic in this community and the health world, and today we’re excited to share with you our Editor’s round up of essentials to Biohacking your way through this autumn and winter!

If you're not familiar, biohacking at it's essence is to optimize one's well-being by understanding and leveraging the body's responses to various internal and external factors. 


As the autumn and winter months are upon us, several unique challenges arise that can significantly affect our health and vitality, making biohacking particularly beneficial during these seasons. 

But first, what is Biohacking?

What is Biohacking?

At its core, biohacking is the art and science of optimizing your body's potential. Think of it as a personalized approach to health, where individuals take the helm of their own biology, tweaking their habits, routines, and even physiology to reach their desired state of well-being.

While some forms, like intermittent fasting, have historical roots, the contemporary biohacking movement blends traditional wisdom with modern scientific understandings and technology. This self-driven, experimental approach challenges the notion that wellness is a one-size-fits-all journey.

Instead, biohackers believe that with the right tools and knowledge, anyone can "hack" their own biology to amplify energy, vitality, and overall health, moving beyond the simplistic formula of eating less and exercising more. In essence, biohacking is a dynamic fusion of proactive health management and self-experimentation, designed to empower individuals to function at their very best.

Here’s why Biohacking can be especially useful in the colder winter months….

During the autumn and winter months, the shift in seasons brings about a series of changes that can impact our overall well-being. Reduced daylight hours, colder temperatures, and shifts in our routines can affect our mood, energy levels, and immune responses. This is where biohacking becomes especially relevant.

Limited Sunlight and Vitamin D: As days become shorter and sunlight is scarcer, our natural production of vitamin D can decrease. Vitamin D is crucial for bone health, immune function, and mood regulation. Biohacking strategies might involve optimizing vitamin D intake through supplements or adjusting our daily routines to maximize exposure to natural daylight. 


Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Many individuals experience a form of depression known as SAD during the colder months. Biohackers might use PEMF Therapy, light therapy lamps, or photobiomodulation, mimicking natural sunlight to regulate mood and maintain healthy circadian rhythms.


Immune System Challenges: The colder months often bring about an increase in colds and flu. Through biohacking, one can boost their immune system's resilience with specific foods, supplements, and practices that support immune health. 


Energy and Metabolism Shifts: Our bodies naturally conserve energy during colder months, which can sometimes lead to weight gain and decreased motivation. Biohackers may focus on increasing their quantum energy, consuming adaptogenic herbs, or employing intermittent fasting to combat these seasonal changes in metabolism. 


Dull Skin and Hair Health: The chilly winds outside and the dry indoor heat can wreak havoc on our skin and hair, robbing them of their natural moisture. Here, biohackers might dive into cellular detoxes, far infrared therapy and masks, or cryotherapy. Humidifiers can also be a great addition to maintaining ambient moisture levels indoors. 


In essence, the autumn and winter months present a unique set of challenges to our physiological and psychological health. Biohacking offers a toolkit of adaptive strategies to not just survive but thrive during these seasons, ensuring that our bodies and minds remain resilient, energized, and in optimal health.

The vast world of biohacking is ever-evolving, bringing forth innovative solutions to enhance our well-being.

Today, we bring to you a handpicked selection of essential biohacking items, tried and true by our team to elevate your health journey:

1. ARMRA Colostrum

ARMRA isn't just about supplements—it's a lifestyle shift. Available in both bulk jars and convenient travel packs, this formula effortlessly blends into your routine. Our editor personally vouches for its transformative effects on post-partum hair regrowth, and even her infant has experienced less gas, hinting at its potential for gut lining repair.

Try ARMRA and feel the whole-body difference!

2. Omni PEMF NeoRhythm

Beyond just a wearable, the NeoRhythm is a commitment to mental clarity and well-being. Whether it's to supercharge your work focus or delve deep into meditative states, NeoRhythm tailors your brainwaves to your specific needs, ensuring a balanced mental state throughout the day.

Elevate your mental game with NeoRhythm.

3. Somavedic VEDIc- Visual Imperfections

Amidst our gadget-filled lives, electromagnetic disruptions are an overlooked concern. Somavedic offers more than just protection; it promises energetic purity. This sleek, portable device combats the chaos of modern frequencies, bringing tranquility back into your spaces.

Reclaim your energetic sanctuary with Somavedic. Use code UWM25 for 25% off.

4. Therasage Ozone Bubbler

TheraO3 Bubbler is not just a device; it's an experience. Whether you're looking to sanitize your produce or elevate your baths by boosting blood oxygen levels, it seamlessly integrates into daily routines. With its unique tungsten mechanism, it combats oxidative stress, which is often linked to aging and reduced cellular functions.

Infuse ozone magic into your routine with Therasage.

5. Leela Quantum

A blend of tradition and technology, the Leela Quantum Water Bottle ensures every sip counts. Not only does it optimize water structure, but its quantum energy charging also promises a revitalizing hydration experience, making every drink a mini wellness ritual.

Energize at the quantum level with Leela Quantum.

6. Analemma

More than just a water enhancer, Analemma bridges the divide between hydration and holistic well-being. It doesn't just enhance the properties of your water; it transforms the very act of drinking into a rejuvenating, coherent experience, harmonizing body and mind.

Hydrate your cells with Analemma.

7. BonCHARGE blue light blockers

Navigate the digital realm without compromising your health. BonCHARGE's Blue Light Blocking Glasses are designed for the modern urbanite, ensuring that screen time doesn't interfere with melatonin production or sleep cycles.

Merge style with wellness using BonCHARGE.

8. HigherDOSE Sauna Blanket

An in-home spa experience encapsulated in a blanket. HigherDOSE offers warmth, deep relaxation, and the promise of radiant skin. It's not just about sweating; it's about releasing toxins and embracing a rejuvenated self.

Transform your detox rituals with HigherDOSE.

9. Healthyline

A mat that's a holistic wellness retreat in and of iteself. From infrared to photon light therapy, and from pulsed electromagnetic field to negative ion therapy, Healthyline promises a symphony of therapeutic experiences in one product, tailored for the urban individual seeking holistic rejuvenation.

Get to the next level of relaxation with Healthyline.


Beyond just cold therapy, PLUNGE promises an invigorating experience. Perfect for recovery or simply as a daily wellness routine, its benefits span from mood elevation to enhanced energy. Plus, its cutting-edge design makes traditional cold immersion obsolete.

Refresh, recover, and rejuvenate with PLUNGE. Use code UWM150 for $150 off

Still not sold on Biohacking?

Here’s some Biohacking FAQ we worked to answer as a team when we started this journey!

Can Biohacking Increase Your Longevity?

Absolutely! At the crossroads of science, technology, and self-awareness, biohacking offers individuals a way to personally optimize their biology. By understanding and leveraging the intricate dance of cellular processes, metabolic pathways, and neural circuits, biohackers aim to enhance overall health and potentially even extend lifespan.

From optimizing sleep and nutrition to leveraging cutting-edge tools like red light therapy and nootropic supplementation, biohacking provides an arsenal of methods to combat age-related degeneration. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of human biology, it's becoming increasingly clear that with the right interventions, we can actively shape our health's trajectory, potentially adding both years to our life and life to our years.

Can Biohacking Increase Your Focus?

Absolutely! Biohacking isn't just about physical health; it's about refining and enhancing the mind too. In today's distraction-laden world, maintaining sharp focus can be a challenge. Enter biohacking, where strategies from nootropic supplements to brain training exercises can be employed to sharpen mental acuity. For instance, certain dietary tweaks can stabilize blood sugar levels, providing steady energy and reducing brain fog.

Techniques like controlled breathing or meditation can also train the mind to remain centered and undistracted. Furthermore, emerging technologies, such as neurofeedback or PEMF therapy, directly target brainwave patterns, promoting states of deep concentration. By tapping into these biohacking tools and techniques, individuals can cultivate a laser-focused mind, enhancing productivity and mental clarity in all facets of life.

Can Biohacking Improve Your Sleep?

Yes, and for many, the results have been transformative! Sleep is the cornerstone of overall well-being, yet it eludes so many in our modern, always-on world. Biohacking offers a suite of tools and practices tailored to enhance sleep quality and duration. From optimizing your sleep environment with blackout curtains and noise-canceling technologies to tailoring your evening routine with blue light-blocking glasses, biohacking provides targeted solutions.

Nutritional supplements, such as magnesium or certain adaptogens, can also support deeper and more restorative sleep cycles. And don't overlook the benefits of grounding techniques, which can synchronize the body's internal clock to the Earth's natural rhythms. With biohacking, the aim is a holistic approach to sleep, ensuring that each night you drift off effortlessly and wake up rejuvenated and ready for the day ahead.

Concerns with Biohacking: The Bigger Picture Matters

In conclusion, the allure of biohacking is undeniable. The promise of optimizing our bodies using cutting-edge techniques and gadgets is enticing! But like any trend, it's crucial to approach with a discerning eye. It's essential to keep the bigger picture in mind.

Venturing into the world of biohacking can sometimes lead us astray, focusing on minute metrics or minor adjustments that, in the grand scheme of things, may not significantly impact our health. This hyper-focus can overshadow more fundamental, time-tested practices and wisdom. If your ultimate goal is finding inner peace and purpose, it's worth noting that well-established fields have been providing solutions long before the term "biohacking" was coined.

True, biohacking products can support the body in remarkable ways, but they should be a part of a broader health strategy!

Relying solely on biohacking without considering other holistic health pillars, like a nutritious whole-food diet or addressing stored emotional traumas, can be a misstep. Moreover, let's not forget the unparalleled benefits of connecting with nature. It's a timeless and powerful form of "biohacking" that grounds us, heals us, and reminds us of our intrinsic link to the world around us.

As with all things, balance is key.