7 Reasons Why Yogis Make the Best Partners


Deeper than the "lean and toned" body stereotype that yogis are generally associated with, there are many more important reasons why yogis make superb mates. It's a lifestyle that leads to endless adventure and wonder in even the most mundane of days.

So when you're contemplating what qualities you want to seek in a life partner, consider adding these yogic must-be's to your list, or perhaps get your current honey to accompany you to a class.


They’re more flexible.

No, not only in bed (although that may be an added bonus) but they’re more flexible in character as well. Yogis are typically more open-minded, adaptable and “go with the flow” since the body, mind and soul are all connected.

That which you practice and cultivate shows in all aspects of your being. If you are striving to be more flexible physically, it will also show in your personality and actions, and rigidity doesn’t only make for bad love-making – it also makes for sucky relationships.


They’re healthier.

This works in two ways. They make healthier choices which, let’s face it, are contagious. They are also actually physically healthier people. No one wants to date someone who is sick all the time.

According to a recent Norwegian study, practicing yoga changes your very gene expressions and boosts immunity on a cellular level. Mitchel Bleier, owner of Yogapata and yoga teacher of over 18 years says, "As you breathe better, move better and circulate better, all the other organs function better."


They’re better at making love.

Studies show that yoga can improve sexual function, enhance performance, boost confidence, amplify orgasms and heighten satisfaction for both sexes. This happens by the increase in blood flow to the sex organs and the discipline of strengthening the moola bandha, or pelvic floor muscles.

Furthermore, the discipline of mindfulness and controlling one’s awareness and bodily functions can enhance sexual performance and duration.


They practice peace.

We're not saying all people who practice yoga are peaceful all the time. But, typically those who really see yoga as a way of life (and not just an exercise routine) know about the principle of “ahimsa” (non-violence).

Almost every class in yoga ends in savasana (corpse pose) – laying completely still and essentially going into meditation. Meditation is a way of connecting to the all. Eventually, you see no separation between you and the other (namaste), which is a great way to stay drama free. Awesome, we’re one... no need to argue then, I’ll simply change myself!


They are less concerned about the superficial. 

There are many a yoga practitioners who definitely have one foot in the “who’s who” and “what’s what” world and who are even dreadfully concerned about their outer appearance (and that of others). But the most dedicated yogis are at least on a path toward a deeper experience and understanding of life.

There is more to them than solely the material world. If you are a seeker (as most yogis are) you are more concerned or intrigued by your partner's dedication to their practice, growth as a spirit and how loving and compassionate you are to others.


They care for themselves.

This is a big one. Caring for oneself is self-love and a cornerstone of a healthy relationship. If she/he is practicing yoga, it means they like to feel good, stay healthy and take loving care of their whole being. If you don’t love yourself, you can’t fully love another. You want your spouse to be able to love you fully, right?


They know how to "process." 

Yogis a re more accustomed to working through their own “baggage.” When you do an inward practice like yoga, inevitably things come up (i.e. insecurities, fears, past trauma, sadness, inner turmoil, etc.)

Various yoga postures draw out emotional toxins and force us to look at them and eventually – let them go. If you are in a relationship with someone who can deal with their own “stuff," you are one step closer to a longer lasting relationship, for sure.


Bess O'Connor is the founder of Urban Wellness Magazine. A holistic, natural lifestyle is what she's all about. She is a Certified Ayurvedic Therapist and Holistic Health Practitioner. To her, WELLNESS is short for: Water, Exercise, Love, Light, Nourishment, Energy, Sun & Spirit. Connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.