How to Choose the Right Mala Crystals for Your Personality



Choosing the right mala necklace is usually a challenge, as there are so many choices. There are even several approaches to choosing a mala, it can be by intuition, intention, or style. Choosing a mala by intuition is when you are naturally drawn to a mala necklace; you may not know why, but you love it.

When you choose your mala by intention, you are looking to attract certain healing benefits of a gemstone or gemstones into your life.

Lastly, when choosing a mala necklace for style, you want a piece to update your yoga outfit or your wardrobe, and are looking mostly to refresh your look.




But to choose a mala necklace for your personality, one must first answer the question, What is my personality? This, of course, is a deep question that has many complex answers. For the purpose of helping you choose a mala necklace, let’s focus on one trait about yourself that you love and would like more of.

Are you courageous, calm, joyful, romantic, ambitious? Think of one word (and keep in mind its synonyms).

Got your answer?

Now, we will explore how to pick a mala necklace for your personality, as per my twelve years’ experience of making and pairing malas with their beautiful owners. This is the mala necklace you would choose by intuition. This is the one you would wear every day, and have a hard time taking off, as the crystals in this mala necklace are very similar to you; it is only attracting and enhancing more of the same energy.



You are Courageous and Strong.

If you consider that being a strong person is an important part of who you are, or you would like to focus on being stronger and more courageous, consider wearing a mala necklace that contains Ebony, Tiger’s Eye and or Obsidian.

For thousands of years, they have been used as good luck charms for soldiers, and even used to make knives and swords for battle. These are known to be warrior stones and will bring you strength and courage.



You are Calm, Peaceful and Mellow.

If you are a mellow spirit, a mala necklace made with sodalite, howlite, and or white agate is the right one for you. Wearing a howlite mala necklace will help you release past attachments, and ease an overactive mind. White agate is also a stone known to bring peace, and assist in preparation for meditation. Sodalite is known to create harmony and a peaceful environment.

Wearing one of these beautiful gemstones in your mala necklace will remind you of the peaceful person that you are, help you in keeping your zen, and attract peace around you.



You are Joyful and Fun Loving.

A mala necklace made with Citrine, carnelian, pyrite and or yellow jade is great for a joyful and fun-loving personality. Citrine, pyrite and yellow jade are all linked to the solar plexus chakra. This chakra is where we find our confidence, our joy, and our will to act.

Carnelian is linked to the sacral chakra, and it is known to help the wearer in attracting the joy in creativity. All the gemstones mentioned here are said to assist the wearer in raising his or her energy level, as optimism and joy thrive in high energy levels.



You are Romantic and Loving.

If you are a romantic and loving person, you may want to wear a rose quartz, garnet and or an amethyst mala necklace. Wearing a rose quartz mala necklace is soothing for those with a loving personality who are looking to find and attract love. Garnet is a stone known to bring energy to the wearer in the form of romantic and passionate love. Amethyst is a heart-healing gemstone known to help heal those who have been wounded by love.

These gemstones will help you find people with an energy similar to your own.



You are Ambitious and Driven.

The right mala necklace for the driven, energetic, and ambitious personality will carry citrine, smoky quartz, tiger’s eye and or aventurine, as these stones are known to bring success and energy.

Citrine has long been known as the stone of success and has been used for centuries to attract abundance. Smoky quartz is a protective and grounding stone, it will help the wearer direct her energies in a better way and also protect from negative vibrations and electromagnetic pollution. Tiger’s eye is a stone for abundance and prosperity and aventurine is a stone for good luck.



You are Intuitive and Follow your Inner Guide.

You are lucky enough to be intuitive, but one cannot be too intuitive, so wearing gemstones in your mala necklace that will help strengthen your intuition. Tuning in with your inner guide is always a good idea.

Moonstone, green fluorite, and sodalite are stones known to help the wearer tune in to his or her intuition. Moonstone is known to activate your intuition and access your deeper knowledge. Green fluorite helps bring information out from your subconscious mind. Sodalite is known to open our spiritual perception, guiding the higher mind down to the physical, and uniting logic with intuition.



You are a Nurturer and a Giver.

You are a nurturer and a giver to those around you. You might be a mother, a nurse, or a very good friend, and wearing a jasper mala necklace will help protect your energy.

All forms of jasper are great stones for nurturing. Jasper in the range of beige and browns, including river stone, picture jasper, and picasso jasper tap into the nurturer in you. Jasper in darker and red colors, like red jasper, will help protect your giving personality from negative energy and abuse.


You are a Communicator.

You love to communicate, talk and voice your opinion, so wearing a mala necklace that helps regulate and assist your throat chakra is a good idea. A throat chakra mala necklace can be made with blue lace agate, turquoise, aquamarine, and amazonite.

Blue lace agate is great for communication while turquoise is known to help the wearer speak honestly. Aquamarine is known help the wearer dispel fear and speak without it, and amazonite is known to help the wearer say what is meant to be said, aligning thoughts with spoken words.

Any of these gemstones are great to help you be an even better communicator to those around you.


Which mala are you? Share with us on Twitter, Facebook or Insta; and remember to not overthink it. Your Inner Goddess knows what she wants, and who she is.



CarolinaElias is a Reiki master, mother, and the woman behind Lovepray jewelry. She started the new movement of yoga jewelry in the early 2000's by breaking used Tibetan malas, and restringing them with gemstones, and pendants.

Lovepray jewelry is now a favorite among the active and conscious lifestyle community of yogis, artists, and inspired individuals; and has grown to specialize in mala necklaces, mala bracelets, aromatherapy jewelry and chakra jewelry. They are based in San Diego, California, and their jewelry is made by her and a team of happy and positive people, who laugh a lot and love making jewelry to be worn and enjoyed by all.

Her work has been recognized in LA Yoga Magazine, Origin, Mantra MagazineLife and Dog Magazine, and YogiApproved.